Why is your agency named after a tree?

Naming \ Branding \ Meta

The Mingo

In 1931 the Mingo Oak was discovered to be nearly 600 years old. Despite its age, this distinguished West Virginia resident was expected to continue its life indefinitely. Just 7 years later, the great tree died from the smoke and aerosolized byproduct of a nearby coal mine.

Like the Mingo Oak, when we think of things that are strong, resiliant, and have widespread roots, oaks are the first trees come to mind. That's a metaphor we resonate with. We see a way to do build brands like that - nurturing the stories and ideas that help businesses stick around, put down roots, and resist the waves of trend.

We see a way to grow brands like oak trees. Nurturing the stories and ideas that help businesses stick around, put down roots, and resist the waves of trend.

The Jurupa

Perhaps even more amazing than the Mingo Oak, the Jurupa Oak is a clonal colony of oak trees that's estimated to be thousands of years old. The Jurupa Oak is technically a single organism, each visible tree sharing the same root system.

That's a second layer to the metaphor. We're invested in the idea of small communities with rich economies that are built on family values. Working with like-minded people is what we do.

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Truck envy and the End Zone